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Customized Bathroom Mirror Glass Replacements

Replacing your bathroom mirror glass may seem as simple as going to a store, picking out a mirror and then hanging above your bathroom sink. But why settle for the limited options when Glass Doctor® can create a custom bathroom mirror glass to fit your style and needs? Call today at 855-603-1919.

The bathroom is typically where you start and end your day, and the majority of the time spent there is standing in front of the mirror. Whether you are brushing your teeth or brushing your hair, your bathroom mirror is an important part of your daily routine.

Aside from helping you get ready in the mornings and wind down at night, a well-placed bathroom mirror reflects light, making your bathroom appear brighter and more open. 

Custom Mirrors from Glass Doctor

Replacing your bathroom mirror with a custom-made mirror is also a great way to add style to your bathroom. Floor tiles and countertops aren't the only important design elements. A custom mirror can also add personality to the space. 

So, before you run out to the nearest store and grab just any old mirror, consider asking Glass Doctor to design and install the perfect mirror you've been searching for.

Glass Doctor specializes in all types of custom mirrors, including: 

  • Hanging mirrors
  • Framed mirrors
  • Mounted mirrors

Not sure what type of custom mirror you're looking for? The specialists at Glass Doctor offer free in-home consultations, where we will take precise measurements and offer advice on ordering your custom bathroom mirror replacement.

Sign up for a free consultation or call us today at 855-603-1919 to learn more about our custom bathroom mirrors.

In the meantime, check out these design photos from Houzz for ideas on how mirrors can transform your bathroom.