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Shop Tempered Glasstop Dining Tables

Tempered glass may be the right solution for your glass needs. Do you have outdoor furniture you want to protect from the weather? Or do you have children and want to make sure everything in your home is sturdy and protected? Shop now at Glass Doctor® or call us at 855-603-1919. Our specialists can measure and create custom glass tabletops for new and existing furniture. 

Quality Tempered Glass Dining Tables

If normal glasstops for your dining table aren't strong enough for you, consider custom tabletop tempered glass. This is an ideal solution for families with children looking for durable, safe glass options or individuals interested in outdoor furniture with longevity. Your outdoor furniture doesn't have to be damaged by the weather or harmed by UV rays.

Looking for a buyer's guide to a new dining table? Glass Doctor can custom measure and fit replacement glass tabletops for existing furniture, as well as new tabletops to protect wood furniture. Our experienced specialists will come to your home and provide you with a professional consultation on edgework detail, thickness and safety issues related to heavy glass tabletops.

Consider custom-cut glass for:

  • Dining room tables
  • Writing desks
  • Coffee tables
  • Antique furniture
  • Conference room tables

We also replace patio tabletops with and without umbrella holes. These tabletops are custom measured and can be fabricated with safety glass.

How does it work?

Our specialists can measure and create custom glass tabletops for new and existing furniture. Glass tabletops can be custom cut in a variety of shapes and sizes and completed with numerous finished edges.

Give us a call for a free professional consultation and see if Glass Doctor is right for you. We have locations across the country. 

Extra Protection for Any Glass Piece

Outdoor furniture, such as patio tables and poolside pieces, require specialty glass. Glass Doctor offers the option of custom-measured safety glass, including tempered and laminated glass, to protect children and adults from glass breakage. Specialty glass is used indoors for shower doors.

Why Glass Doctor?

  • 24/7 Emergency Service—Call us even on weekends and holidays 
  • Upfront Pricing—We'll let you know the repair or replacement price before we begin the work
  • Qualified Experts—Our specialists are ready to solve all of your home decor glass needs

Because Glass Doctor takes care of everything from beginning to end, providing sole service to every customer. We carry complete inventory and supplies, allowing most installations to be completed within 24 hours of the customer's service call. The on-site call may require emergency services, and Glass Doctor service specialists will be prepared to extend quality care for emergency and non-emergency glass needs.

Ready to purchase the best tempered glass dining table for your kitchen or dining area? Call us for quality, customized glass solutions today at 855-603-1919.


